We headed to the dealership and after a few hours of paperwork and listening to the finance guy ramble we headed out towards home.
We were starving when we hit Bowie, TX. We made it to Main St. and saw this cute little place named Nostalgia Antiques & Soda Fountain that said they had fresh sandwiches. I have never been to a place quite like it. It was a restaurant and soda fountain inside an antique store. My Grandma Walker would have LOVED it!
We got our sandwiches, chips, drinks and desserts for only $23. Love that all meals came with dessert. So tasty. I definitely recommend it if you happen to be in Bowie. Don't forget to write on the inside of the phone booth. We jumped back on the road and headed towards Amarillo.
We drove through small town after small town before we reached Amarillo early evening. The one thing all these towns had in common...Dairy Queen. The smallest one was under 500 I believe, yet they all had a DQ. Texans love their ice cream apparently.
First stop in Amarillo...the Cadillac Ranch of course! It had been raining off and on all day so of course it was one huge mud puddle. It was much easier to walk in barefoot.
We cleaned up in a nearby puddle and headed back out on the road. We had only made it a few miles before a big red barn caught our eye.
Yep we ate dinner at a steakhouse called the Country Barn. It was delicious. Quite possibly the best apple crisp ever. It also had awesome sinks like this:
Only in Texas. We were planning on staying in Dalhart, TX which was about an hour and a half away so we needed to get back in the car. Of course we had to stop at a western store. You know it's going to be good when this is out front.
I had no idea that cowboy boots and hats were so pricey! I don't think there was a pair of boots under $200 and we saw a hat that was over $1k!
Man it gets dark on 287 through rural Texas. Of course we were too busy playing with our Sync system to notice that we were suppose to turn to get to Dalhart. Figuring Boise City, our back-up wasn't far we continued North. Yeah, Google Maps lied to me. Boise City was not only not in Colorado, but it only had two motels and neither one of them were that appealing. Here's where we ended up:
It may not have been so bad about 40 years ago but it was gross...totally rundown. At least the sheets were clean. Both Josh and I checked before setting foot in them. I kept my flippy floppies on at all times outside of the bed. Needless to say we never need to go to Boise City, OK ever again. We got outta there asap.
The rest of the trip was uneventful. We made room for the new car in the garage. My poor little Honda was kicked to the curb.
I did a quick run around our neighborhood. There was a bit much indulgence this weekend.
Time: 31:09 Distance: 3.29 miles Avg. Pace: 9:28 min/mile
Total stats for the week:
Time: 2:19:55 Distance: 15.04 miles Avg. Pace: 9:18 min/mile
I almost forgot! We went up to Ft. Collins to pick up our chickens from the farm.

We are part of the Jodar Farms CSA so we get four fresh, natural, cage free chickens a month. Yep, I held a chicken.
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