Josh and I decided to take advantage of some time off over the holidays and journey to Italy. I cannot wait to meet the gentleman to my left in person, drink lots of delicious wine, take a romantic gondola ride with Josh (let's hope no one is peeing off the bridges) and see the ancient cities. I've been wanting to go there for quite some time and I was finally able to convince Josh we should just do it. So that's exactly what we're doing. We leave Christmas Day and will return on January 6th. We are flying into Rome where our journey will start. From there we're planning on heading to Cinque Terre, Florence, and then onto Venice where we will fly home from. A few days trips here and there to near by cities like Verona and Pisa are likely too. Hopefully we will also have some time to spend in the Tuscan countryside. I'm dreaming on wine and cheese already.
In planning the vacation, I've come to realize I may actually be addicted to running. Since I'll be about a month into
marathon training, I'll need to get in some miles abroad. I've been looking up places to run where I will not be hit by a car or looked at like a crazy American.
Cinque Terre looks promising, but difficult. They have trails between the five coast cities, the longest of which is 40k. Perfect for a long run, other than the huge hills. So we'll see how it goes. I know I'm going to need to do at least one long run, if not two while we're there. Good thing we won't be up to more than 15 miles or so at that point.
Any suggestions about running abroad? Where are your favorite places in Italy?
Italy is AMAZING! I had the opportunity to live in Torino for 9 months in college. I am SO happy you are thinking about going to CinqueTerre because that by far was my most favorite place. And the trail hike is unbelievable! If you have any questions about Italy I can try and help. It's been a few years since I was there, but feels like just yesterday! I saw your comment on HTP and found your page. I am going to do the Nike Marathon with TeamInTraining next year, my very first marathon!!